Minggu, 19 Juni 2016

Are you a detective?

[English Version]

An Empty Parking Area

 In a mall, in the morning. Ciko driving his car parked overnight. At 8 am, Ciko met Jason. Jason provides a package. Ciko was put into the car. The package will be given to Danny. 10 am, Ciko met an employee named Danny. Chiko give the package to Danny and asks for a cup of coffee to be brought to his office. Apparently, he was finally Ciko drowsiness and sleep at his desk. Danny is putting the coffee on his desk. Ethan Ciko colleagues, entered the room with a coffee. He found Ciko dead. Because, Ethan confusion, he called Jason.
But, it seems that jason was unavailable. He was out of the room to ask for help Danny. Apparently, Danny was also not there. Ethan also asked the hospital to deliver the bodies Ciko. At 4 pm, the bodies Ciko is not there. When he was looking for, Danny already in the kitchen and the office can be contacted Jason phone. He said he was washing his car smell. Danny was also helped.
Who killed Ciko? What is the motive?


[Indonesia Version]

 Sebuah Tempat Parkir Yang Kosong

 Di sebuah mall, di pagi hari. Ciko mengendarai mobilnya yang semalam diparkir. Jam 8 pagi, Ciko bertemu Jason. Jason memberikan sebuah paket. Ciko pun menaruhnya ke dalam mobilnya. Paket tersebut akan diberikan kepada Danny. Jam 10 pagi, Ciko bertemu seorang karyawan bernama Danny.Ciko memberikan paket itu kepada Dannydan meminta secangkir kopi untuk dibawa ke ruang kerjanya. Tampaknya, Ciko mengantuk dan akhinya ia tidur di meja kerjanya. Danny sudah meletakkan kopi tersebut di mejanya. Ethan rekan kerja Ciko, memasuki ruangan dengan membawa kopinya. Dia menemukan Ciko sudah mati. Karena, Ethan kebingungan, ia pun menelepon Jason.

Tapi, rupanya jason sedang tidak bisa dihubungi. Ia pun keluar ruangan untuk meminta bantuan Danny. Rupanya, Danny pun juga tidak ada disana. Ethan pun meminta pihak rumah sakit untuk mengantarkannya mayat Ciko. Jam 4 sore, mayat Ciko sudah tidak ada. Ketika ia mencari, Danny sudah ada di dapur kantor dan telepon Jason bisa dihubungi. Katanya ia sedang mencuci mobilnya yang bau. Danny pun juga membantunya.

Siapa yang membunuh Ciko? Apa motifnya?

 Created by Annisa Ayu F

Answer :

The killer was Jason. However, in the case of death Ciko. Danny also involved. Why? because, Ciko asked for coffee to Danny. After Danny came into the study Ciko, Ciko turns sleeping. Because, annoyed he helped Jason to do this evil plan. Danny was killed Ciko with the coffee cup. Because, Danny knew Ciko will be immediately taken to the hospital, he took the body of Jason Ciko to the car and throw it away. After Ethan back, Danny was already there. And found Jason was washing his car that smells. The smell of corpses Ciko. Why be so fast? Because, the packet is sent Jason to Ciko to be given to Danny. The package contains bids Jason to help him kill Ciko.

Jawaban :
  Pembunuhnya adalah Jason. Tetapi, dalam kasus matinya Ciko. Danny juga terlibat. Mengapa? karena, Ciko meminta kopi kepada Danny. Setelah Danny masuk ke ruang kerja Ciko, ternyata Ciko tidur. Karena, merasa kesal ia pun membantu Jason untuk melakukan rencana jahat ini. Danny pun membunuh Ciko dengan gelas kopi tersebut. Karena, Danny tahu Ciko akan segera dibawa ke rumah sakit, ia pun membawa mayat Ciko ke mobil Jason dan membuangnya. Setelah Ethan kembali, Danny  sudah ada disana. Dan menemukan Jason sedang mencuci mobilnya yang bau. Bau mayat Ciko. Mengapa bisa secepat itu? Karena, paket yang dikirimkan Jason kepada Ciko untuk diberikan kepada Danny. Paket tersebut berisi tawaran Jason untuk membantunya membunuh Ciko.

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2016

Next Grade

Nembus Lawang Sewu
 Akhirnya, gua naik kelas 11 juga. Oh, ya sebenernya gua bingung mau nulis apaan. Gua sekolah di SMA Negeri 1 Semarang. Yang terkenal angker "katanya". Yang katanya bisa nembus lawang sewu. Dan sejujurnya selama setahun gua sekolah disana, gua ngga tau nembusnya lewat mana?


Awal gua di SMA ini pun juga rada bingung, kenapa? karena, ini sekolah gede banget. Liat aja di google map. Dibanding sekolah-sekolah yang pernah gua tempatin, ya sekolah ini paling gede.

Flashback setaun lalu...

Dulu waktu gua mos, pertama kali ditempatin adalah di aula besar. Disitu ada panggung dan "katanya" dibalik tirai panggung itu tempat buat nembusnya?

Gua denger-denger sih, didalemnya sekarang kursi-kursi kagak kepake gitu. Jujur aja sih, sebenernya gua masih mikir dimana tempat nembusnya?

Awal mulanya ...

"Katanya" SMA ini sih rumah sakit, emang dari bentuknya udah keliatan. Dan ada yang bilang kalo malem-malem jangan nginjak jalur kuning. "katanya" ada tentara jepang? dan itu katanya di koridor sejarah. Tapi, gua nggak tau kenapa setiap gua ke masjid lewat koridor sejarah rasanya panjang banget padahal ngga sepanjang itu. Tapi, ngga tau juga sih.

Note : * kalo mau liat foto-fotonya yang lengkap cari di google

Rabu, 15 Juni 2016

money is a principle

Tips and tricks video content that makes money

1. Do not think it would be a lot of followers on social media, it would make his work less
2. Thinking about the concept first, how do people interested
3. You can see already many YouTubers subscribe and it do you think interesting
4. An interesting example: video parody, tips and tricks, tutorials, cooking videos, video talent (singing, dancing, etc.)
5. Promote your video via your social media accounts.
6. The most important thing is that you connect to the Internet
7. You can also make ads on the YouTube channel, it could be much interested and willing to cooperate

 8. Remember, do not take other people's work without permission. You can make your video without taking other people's work. It makes you more creative

Easy job list 2016

Easy job list 2016 edition of the Ramadan

1. create stop motion
     - Must have the application, does not need an application that is too expensive and paid. Most important is the content of the video
 2. The post photos of food or drink during Ramadan
3. make a video on how to make food or drinks themed Ramadan
4. make a video of Eid, the film can be short or vlog
5. Make a game of Eid, it is not easy to make because it takes a variety of software and good editing
6. make animation gif, through social media posts. Can also add Instagram followers and likes.
7. create designs clothes
8. making tips and tricks during Ramadan
9. selling food recipes on the website
10. The post how to look fashionable at the time of Eid


the most important in that work above is optimistic can do best, preliminary results did not succeed very well it was incredible. Improve the content of the work and do not require you to use an application that is basically good. Basically all it is essentially the same app only additions in certain applications that create added value to the work.

So, keep the spirit and be creative. Fighting !!!

Jumat, 10 Juni 2016

Went to another island


The new year 2015 , my family went to Batam Island .
The island is deserted islands containing immigrants and there are no permanent residents . We find much difference . As :

Can see Singapore on the 7th floor in a hotel in Harbour Bay , Batam . And you can also see the big ships at sea
 And also Barelang Bridge which has clean water
On Barelang Bridge
  Another Sea (Maybe)
 Roads in Batam is very spacious and rarely driver pressed the horn
Batan to Singapore, Singapore to Batam 

Kamis, 09 Juni 2016

Burnt Toast
In a city, there is an office worker who worked late into the night. He never had time to cook food for him. One morning, she woke up because of unfinished work. At 2 am, he began to resume his work. Time has shown at 5 in the morning. He was finally in a hurry. He then took butter and rub it on two pieces of bread. Then he roasted it. While waiting for the bread was baked, he decided to take a shower prior to shorten the time. After the bath, apparently he forgot to check his toast. He was immediately resume work. 15 minutes passed, the smell of bread was very clear. Then, he rushed to take bread. As expected, the bread was burnt. He also brought the bread to the place of his work with listless face. Actually, he would throw it away. But, he remembers his grandfather said. That anything that can still be used, use it. Because, he also had a recurrent ulcer disease when eaten late. So, he ate it.
 Road he met a frail grandfather who holds a piece of bread that has been bitten. He was sad to see it. He was about to give a little money. However, a police ban. Then, he asked why he was banned. The policeman answered, so many have tried to throw money or provide food. But, he always refused and if that happens he'll go from there. Apparently, the frail grandfather sells breads burn. Then, he approached the old man and asked if he could buy loaves. Then, the grandfather answered why you should buy this burnt toast. Then, he tells of his grandfather, who taught him about life.Then, the old man looked at the faces of the workers. And the worker is likely to leave the place he stopped. And the next day the old man was in a bakery shop with a different appearance. The workers were shocked and still feel that he is delusional.The old man asked a worker to tell the worker went into the store. The old man explained that, loaves of bread that he sold yesterday was not burnt toast but the bread being made as it looked charred. Turned out, the old man was testing the worker, that is not the bad will always be bad and the good it could be not good. The old man told him that his grandfather was his boss at the company where he worked. And he was finally appointed as managers subordinates.
Don't Copy this story and all many pictures in my blog are mine.

Senin, 06 Juni 2016

Do You Like Travelling ?

Fact About Semarang !

Do you know SEMARANG ? If you know, where is it?
SEMARANG is a city in Indonesia, It's the capital and largest of the province of Central Java.

  • SEMARANG is crowded

    But, you can see something different like ... 
  •  Semarang Night Carnival (But this picture are took at 2 pm)

And then you can see people take photo before they eat their food. Like this... If you is a tourist, and you visit SEMARANG. You can feels so hot when walking around this city at 10 am until 2 pm. Even temperature reached 37,74 degrees celsius.

You can feels so hot when walking around this city at 10 am until 2 pm. Even temperature reached 37,74 degrees celsius.Your shadow in parking lot?


Your shadow in parking lot? You can try... (Shadow in the morning).

  Floods wherever, whenever. C'mon visit to SEMARANG, guys !

Minggu, 05 Juni 2016

How To Get Money With Your Passion

Hello, everyone !

Ini tulisan pertama di blog gue, sebenernya gue bingung harus menuangkan semua pemikiran dan imajinasi gue kemana, gue sama sekali nggak kepikir buat bikin blog. Terus gue coba untuk bikin blog ini. Gue masih awal di SMA bentar lagi naik kelas. Untuk mengisi keluangan waktu libur ini gue akan berbagi cerita atau hal yang gue punya.
Sebenernya gue itu orangnya banyak maunya. Why? karena, gue suka berbagai hal seperti nulis apapun yang ada dibenak gue, nggambar, edit video, main gitar, dll. Gue pingin banget jadi Youtuber. Why? karena, gue pingin dapet uang dengan kreatifitas gue sendiri.

Tapi semua gak segampang itu, hambatan-hambatan gue itu seperti nggak adanya microphone,  partner buat ngerekam, dll. Jadi gue putuskan untuk menulis blog, fotografi di instagram, dan nulis novel. Semuanya autodidak. 

How To Get Money With Your Passion ?

 1. Jangan terpikir untuk dapet uang dulu. Kenapa?Biasanya kalau kita terpikir itu kualitas karya yang kalian buat itu kurang. Jika hanya berdasarkan uang.
2. Sering-sering lihat video atau artikel-artikel biar tambah wawasan kalian. Misal kalian suka fotografi kalian bisa lihat cara-caranya. Atau mungkin kalian bisa pasang di instagram atau sosmed yang kalian punya. Biarpun foto itu nggak sebagus fotografer yang udah ahli.

ini contoh di instagram gue (@yyffnn12)

3. Jangan pesimis, inget setiap usaha yang kalian coba kalo kalian niat pasti hasil nggak nipu kok.
4. Bagi kalian yang masih sekolah kayak gue gini diusahakan mengedepankan pelajaran dulu. Anggap passion kalian jadi usaha sampingan kalian biar gampang dapetin sekolah atau universitas yang kalian ingin kan.
5. Terakhir, usahakan jangan copas karya orang lain. Kenapa? kalo kalian bisa menciptakan yang baru. Karya kalian mungkin punya nilai lebih dari karya-karya lain yang kalian anggap keren. 


Oke itu aja pesen dari gue, semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa berdoa. Tetap semangat !